Co-Founder & CEO
Paula Breslin, RN, BA, MS~HQS
Ms. Breslin has been a registered nurse for close to twenty years and a Legal Nurse Consultant since 2014.
Her clinical area of specialty is surgical nursing. She has worked in all phases of preoperative nursing: pre-op, intraop, recovery, administration, and quality improvement.
Ms. Breslin has a Master of Science in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. It is within this niche area of healthcare that Ms. Breslin is trained to detect erroneous gaps in clinical workflows and processes along with facilitating solutions that will intercept future errors.
Ms. Breslin is the co-founder and CEO of Clinical Expert Providers, PLLC.
Co-Founder & CFO
Dana DiStefano, BSN, ML, CPHRM
Ms. DiStefano has been a registered nurse for over ten years specializing in critical care, emergency medicine, risk management, and insurance liability.
Before working in the healthcare industry, Ms. DiStefano was a successful business owner and operator where she honed her managerial and finance skills.
Ms. DiStefano has a Bachelor’s in Economics, a Bachelor’s in Nursing, and a Master of Law with a concentration in Healthcare from the University of Pennsylvania.
Ms. DiStefano is the co-founder and CFO of Clinical Expert Providers, PLLC.