Dedicated to helping you find the right expert for your case.
Clinical Expert Providers will locate and secure the best expert for you so you can focus on winning the case! We have an extensive network of experts in a variety of specialties who are actively practicing in the field and current on best clinical practices.

About Us
We take care of the details for you
Clinical Expert Providers was co-founded by Ms. Breslin and Ms. DiStefano, who have a combined 30 years in the healthcare industry.
I just want take a moment to thank you for the excellent services your office provides. When a defense medical examination is scheduled for one of my clients, I have called upon you to provide a qualified nurse to attend the examination per my client’s rights under Rule 4010. It is very important to have an objective observer in the room for these examinations, and I can count on your service to provide an unbiased witness to all aspects of the examination.
You and your colleagues also show respect and patience with my clients. I have also asked you to summarize medical records with an eye toward identifying and understanding the key issues in the case. Again, your services have delivered! Thank you!